Longest and Shortest Papal Reigns

10 Longest Papal Reigns

Although the average reign of the Pope from the Middle Ages was a decade, a number of those whose reign lengths can be determined from contemporary historical data are the following:


Papa Pius Nonus

1846 to 1878
31 years 7 months and 23 days
(11,560 days)


Papa Ioannes Paulus Secondus

1978 to 2005
26 years, 5 months and 18 days
(9,665 days)


Papa Leo Tertius Decimus

1878 to 1903
25 years, 5 months and 1 day
(8,962 days)


Papa Pius Sextus

1775 to 1799
24 years, 6 months and 15 days
(8,962 days)


Papa Hadrianus Primus

772 - 795
23 years, 10 months and 25 days
(8,729 days)


Papa Pius Septimus

1800 to 1823
23 years, 5 months and 7 days
(8,560 days)


Papa Alexander Tertius

1159 to 1181
21 years, 11 months and 24 days
(8,029 days)


Papa St. Sylvester Primus

314 to 335
21 years, 11 months and 1 day
(8,005 days)


Papa St. Leo Primus

440 to 461
21 years, 1 month, and 13 days
(7,713 days)


Papa Urbanus Octavus

1623 to 1644
20 years, 11 months and 24 days
(7,664 days)

11 Shortest Papal Reigns

There have been a number of popes whose reign lasted about a month or less. In the following list the number of calendar days includes partial days. Thus, for example, if a pope's reign commenced on 1 August and he died on 2 August, this would count as having reigned for two calendar days.


Papa Urbanus Septimus

15–27 September 1590
13 calendar days, died before coronation.


Papa Bonifatius Sextus

April 896
16 calendar days


Papa Coelestinus Quartus

25 October – 10 November 1241
17 calendar days, died before consecration


Papa Theodorus Secondus 

December 897
20 calendar days


Papa Sisinnius 

15 January – 4 February 708
21 calendar days


Papa Marcellus Secundus

9 April – 1 May 1555
23 calendar days


Papa Damasus Secundus

17 July – 9 August 1048
24 calendar days


Papa Pius Tertius

22 September – 18 October 1503
27 calendar days


Papa Leo Undecimus

1–27 April 1605
28 calendar days


Papa Benedict Quintus

22 May – 23 June 964
33 calendar days


Papa Ioannes Paulus Primus

26 August – 28 September 1978
34 calendar days

Papa Electus Stephenus (23–26 March 752), died of stroke three days after his election, and before his consecration as a bishop. He is not recognized as a valid pope, but was added to the lists of popes in the 15th century as Stephen II, causing difficulties in enumerating later popes named Stephen.

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